JOB ALERTSA selection of past job alerts that were emailed to members |
FAQs for Job Alerts How do I get these job alerts?Job alerts are emailed to members. Please see the information on joining Filmbase here How can I send a job alert?You can send a job alert to Art Department, Set Decoration or Props Department crew by filling in a Crew Request form. What job alerts will I receive as an Accredited Member?
Accredited Filmbase members (two or more credits) are sent Job Alerts, by email, for jobs where the employer is looking for experienced crew. What job alerts will I receive as a New to the Industry Member?
New to the Industry Filmbase members (less than two credits) are sent Job Alerts, by email, for jobs where the employer is looking for junior crew, or in busy times when experienced crew are not available. Please check the Job Alert details on this page to see if it was sent to Accredited or New to the Industry members. I'm a member but haven't received some of these alerts.You will only receive job alerts for the roles that you have selected in your profile. If you are an Accredited member, you can also choose which budget bands to receive alerts about, so please check which preferences you have chosen. If you are a New to the Industry member then you will be sent job alerts for all budget bands that match your profile settings. You can edit your profile setting here.
How often will I receive job alerts?This is entirely dependent on the number of productions that are in need of crew at any time. We have links with many employers who are all actively using the directories to look for crew. Whether they choose to send a job alert or not for a particular role will be dictated by their own requirements. You will receive more job alerts if you have ticked more roles (up to a maximum of 3 for Accredited members, 6 for New to the Industry members) in your profile. Some grades, particularly the more experienced ones, are in greater demand and will likely receive more alerts.
| Join Filmbase to receive full details of Job Alerts, by email You will be emailed Job Alerts that match your:
You can edit these preferences in your profile. Recent Job Alerts
A list of the last 30 Job Alerts that were sent to members. Please check your email for the full details of Job Alerts that match your profile selections.Please see the FAQs on this page for more information or click here to join Filmbase and receive Job Alerts.PartnershipsWorking with industry suppliersWe are delighted to partner with the following companies as part of our Corporate Partnership Programme. We are grateful for the support of our partners, which enables us to run webinars and events for Filmbase members throughout the year and to develop the site to support crew further.
Filmbase is delighted to be partnering with Compuhire for 2024/25. Compuhire is your go-to company for any scene involving a screen - and what is shown on that screen. If you’ve seen Star Wars: the Rise of Skywalker, No Time to Die, or The Matrix Resurrections, to name just three, then you’ll know Compuhire’s incredible motion graphics capabilities. Compuhire is experienced in working with all budgets - low-end and high-end - and all departments, from pre-production through to shooting and post-production. Compuhire has a huge range of modern and period computer props to hire. Whatever you want to show on those screens, the company’s creative arm, Studio C Design, can craft bespoke, state-of-the-art visual effects for you. On-set, Compuhire’s team is there to ensure playback is smooth. Compuhire is going to be working with us on a number of projects over the year and has already been behind our online yoga sessions, which proved very popular! and Data Reprographics is a long-standing specialist printed props company for the Film and TV industry, and has joined Filmbase as a partner for a second consecutive year, until the end of 2025. With the support of Data Reprographics, we will be able to plan more support webinars for Filmbase members over the next 12 months and increase our service for crew. Established in 1986, Data Reprographics has become the go-to provider for large-format printing, props and signage and one of the few companies that can print on newsprint for all those hero newspapers! The team has expanded over the years, and have a wealth of knowledge and experience as well as a willingness to explore new techniques and provide an ever-increasing range of services. They are also always happy to explore printing on a range of substrates, from fabric and all kinds of papers, to papyrus for films set in ancient Egypt! They have a very loyal customer base and can provide services to cover all corners of a set, from wallpaper and signage, down to the smallest hero props. |