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filmbase whatsapp groups

for crew discussions and support

If you’re crewing up, then please use the Filmbase Job Alerts system and/or browse our Crew Directory to look for crew, rather than advertising on these WhatsApp groups. The Job Alerts system is accessible to everyone and promotes good practice by employers on Bectu rates, flexible working and more.

If you’re looking for work, then for the same reasons, we’d ask that you don’t use these groups to advertise your services or make unsolicited approaches to seniors! Please do get in touch if you’d like advice on how to improve your Filmbase profile.

Supervising Art Directors: Rates Discussion Group

The group is to enable HoDs to confidentially share information that will assist in negotiating deals and rates, to improve parity across the department.

Joining criteria:

Upon joining, crew will be asked to confirm their name and that they are actively working as a Supervising Art Director and therefore responsible for rate negotiations. 

Filmbase members and non-members are welcome, although we do ask that non-members consider joining Filmbase in order to support the running of the group. 


All the work on the rate cards and contract negotiations is carried out by volunteers from the Bectu Art Department Committee. We encourage all Filmbase members to also join Bectu in order to support this vital work done by the committee.

Information on the current Bectu Art Department Branch rate card can be found on our Rates page

Link to join this group:

New to the Industry Group

The group is for New to the Industry Filmbase members to chat about making contacts, negotiating rates and all aspects of starting out in the industry. The Filmbase team is also on hand to offer tips and advice. 

Joining criteria:

Upon joining, crew will be asked to confirm the email address that is connected to their Filmbase membership. 

You must be a 'New to the Industry' member of Filmbase to join the group. 

Link to join the group:

Art Department Seniors Group

A group for Accredited members of Filmbase working in a senior role in the Art Department, to discuss all things work-related.

Recommended experience: more than 5 years in the department.

Recommended roles for this group:

  • Senior Art Director
  • Art Director
  • Standby-Art Director
  • Senior Draughtsperson / Senior Set Designer
  • Draughtsperson / Set Designer
  • Researcher (with more than 5 years' experience)
  • Modelmaker (with more than 5 years' experience)

Joining criteria:

Upon joining, crew will be asked to confirm the email address that is connected to their Filmbase membership. 

You must be a Filmbase member to join the group. 

Link to join the group:

Art Department Juniors Group

A group for Accredited members of Filmbase working in a more junior role in the Art Department, to discuss all things work-related.

Recommended experience: less than 5 years in the department.

Recommended roles for this group:

  • Assistant Art Director
  • Junior Draughtsperson / Set Designer
  • Art Department Assistant (Accredited)
  • Art Department Trainee (Accredited)
  • Researcher (with less than 5 years' experience)
  • Modelmaker (with less than 5 years' experience)

Joining criteria:

Upon joining, crew will be asked to confirm the email address that is connected to their Filmbase membership. 

You must be a Filmbase member to join the group. 

Link to join the group:

Coordinators Group

A group for members of Filmbase who are working as a Coordinator in Art, Set Dec or Props, to discuss all things work-related.

Recommended roles for this group:

  • Art Department Coordinator
  • Set Decoration Coordinator
  • Prop Modelling Coordinator
  • Prop Department Coordinator

Joining criteria:

Upon joining, crew will be asked to confirm the email address that is connected to their Filmbase membership. 

You must be a Filmbase member to join the group. 

Link to join the group:

Concept and Storyboard Artists Group

A group for Accredited members of Filmbase who are Concepting or Storyboarding in Art, Set Dec or Props, to discuss all things work-related.

Recommended roles for this group:

    • Concept Artist or Illustrator, in Prop Modelling, Set Decoration or the Art Department
    • Storyboard Artist
    Joining criteria:

    Upon joining, crew will be asked to confirm the email address that is connected to their Filmbase membership. 

    You must be a Filmbase member to join the group. 

    Link to join the group:

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